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Professor Riefa sets out the case for effective cross-border enforcement at Euroconsumers' webinar

The event was chaired by Liz Coll. Professor Riefa set out the case for effective cross-border consumer law enforcement at Euroconsumers’ webinar on 8th September called: Enforcement Futures: unlocking cross border consumer power? Prof Riefa was joined on the panel by Maria José Azar-Baud, founder of the Observatory of Group Actions, Paolo Martinelli of Altroconsumo Foundation who has lead actions against VW, Marco Scialdone, Euroconsumers who co-ordinates their pan-European actions including their latest case with HP printers, and Rosemary Iannou from Litigation Funder Fortress to discuss the role of private funding in consumer cases. You can rewatch the webinar here:

Euroconsumers is a gathering five national consumer organisations. It is giving voice to a total of more than 1.5 million people, Euroconsumers is the world’s leading consumer cluster in innovative information, personalised services and defence of consumer’s rights. We work closely together with Consumers International to ensure consumers are safe, that markets are fair and benefit from honest relations with businesses and authorities.

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