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Meet Brigitte Acoca, OECD '48% of authorities cannot provide remedies to foreign consumers'


Brigitte Acoca is Head of Consumer Policy Unit OECD Committee on Consumer Policy OECD Working Party on Consumer Product Safety. At our event, she will present the OECD standards on strengthening cross-border enforcement co-operation, including the 2017 OECD survey of enforcement powers.

Did you know?

out of 31 respondents to the question: Can the Authority provide remedies to foreign consumers when taking action against a domestic business that has economically damaged the interests of both domestic and foreign consumers? 48% said NO and 52% said YES.

This and many other fascinating facts about cross border enforcement to discover during the presentation.

Ms. Acoca joined the OECD in 2005 where she is head of the Consumer Policy Unit. She is responsible for the activities of the OECD Committee on Consumer Policy and its Working Party on Consumer Product Safety on empowering consumers in the digital and green transition. Prior to joining the OECD, Ms. Acoca practiced as attorney in international law firms in Brussels and Paris. She holds a Legal Master degree in European Institutional and Competition Law from the College of Europe (Bruges, Belgium) and a postgraduate degree in EU and Private International law from University Paris II Panthéon-Assas (France).

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Project led by

Prof. Christine Riefa




University of Reading 

School of Law, Foxhil House 

Whiteknights Campus 

Reading RG6 6BA



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